Wednesday 27 September 2017

Ayurvedic Treatment – A Natural Cure for Arthritis

Arthritis – commonly reffering to joint pain or joint diseases, causes discomforts such as swelling, stiffness, and pain in the joints. Arthritis is known to affect the hands, feet, fingers and toes, wrists, spine, hips and shoulders. Arthritis does not have to be severe for these symptoms to be felt. If you are feeling any pain or stiffness in your joints, it’s best to know the root cause as early as possible. Allowing the symptoms to get worse before taking action will make the underlying problem more difficult to address. 

According to conventional medicine, no form of Arthritis can be cured, and so treatment of Arthritis only focuses on easing the symptoms. However, when it comes to Ayurveda, medium-level chronic Arthritis can be reversed and the patient can be led to a state of remission. Meanwhile, chronic or severe conditions can be prevented from getting worse, and their effects can be reduced. 

There are several types of arthritis, of which the two most common are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. It usually starts with stiffness in the joints. It could remain mild or moderate for years, or sometimes become chronic which results in the inability to do any activities. 

In Ayurveda, Osteoarthritis is referred to as Sandhivata. Sandhi means joints, and vata is one of the three doshas in the body. The Vata disorder is difficult to diagnose in the early stages. There are several causes to this condition including an excess of ama (toxins) in the body, poor metabolism, obesity, and brittle bones due to ageing. Thus, as per Ayurveda, to treat arthritis, one needs to stimulate the agni (digestive fire) and treat the ama.

In many instances, Ayurveda can cure arthritis. If you are suffering from this condition, it may be best for you to seek Arthritis Ayurvedic treatment, which is offered in various Ayurvedic retreats in Kerala. Ayurveda will target the root cause of Arthritis and hence create effects that can really make a change. Arthritis ayurvedic treatments is best done in conjunction with a special diet that allows the body to detoxify. 

Several Ayurvedic therapies can help combat Arthritis in a patient. Among these, the Pindaswed Ayurvedic Arthritis therapy, can greatly help in reducing the pain, inflammation, and swelling. Panchakarma, which is a five-step detoxification process is known to rejuvenate and deep-cleanse the body, allowing the body to improve much more quickly. The Panchakarma can also help significantly reduce the chances of relapse. 

Since Arthritis is a chronic disease, it is important for you to be patient and persistent with the treatment. Once you have already found the best Arthritis Ayurvedic treatment, it is important to stay committed to the treatment so that you will see optimal results. 

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